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Your Kids Feel Lonely & They Need You!

Making heavy plans or spending a lot of money to make quality time with your child memorable is not required. These suggestions will make sure that you both feel that the time you spend together is special.

  1. Have a Game of Tag – The simplest games can occasionally be the most enjoyable. Go outside to a garden or adjacent park and take turns acting as “It,” chasing after one another to try to tag them; if you succeed, it’s the other person’s turn to be “It.” We always end up laughing until we are comfortably exhausted.

  2. Cook a Meal Together – With your child, prepare a meal from start to finish. It’s wonderful for picky eaters who are more likely to eat something they have produced themselves because even young children can chop (with help), measure, and mix. Start with a simple dish like pizza, simple pesto spaghetti, or cheese sandwich.

  3. Draw your Dream House Together – Draw your ideal home on a huge piece of paper, either collectively or separately. If you were working together, you might alternate drawing the rooms, furnishing it, and decorating it.

  4. Enjoy Nature Together – See how many different objects you can find by taking a nature walk. A fun nature scavenger hunt is another option. A stroll is a terrific opportunity to talk and catch up on all the news that occasionally gets missed on hectic days. You might also simply sit outside and observe your surroundings. Just count cars, have a conversation, or just relax and take it easy.

  5. Read a Book Together – One of life’s greatest joys is reading a child a bedtime story. Just before bedtime, you get to cuddle up, tell a tale, and spend some quality time together. Reading a book together is always a terrific opportunity to spend quality time with your children.\

Friendship skills for preschoolers. Your child can practice friendship skills by playing with you and also with other children.

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