Here are some tips for potty training a baby:
- Wait until your child displays indications that they are ready, such as pulling at a wet diaper, displaying curiosity in the toilet, or mimicking others.
- Get the appropriate tools: Consider using training trousers that are simple to put on and take off, and consider purchasing a child-sized potty or adapting an adult-sized one with a seat reduction.
- Send your kid to kindergarten as soon as he/she turns 3 years old. A child can grow socially and academically while attending kindergarten, which also offers a secure, supportive environment for future success. They benefit much from being in a kindergarten setting in terms of structure, training, social learning, and emotional growth.
- Make a schedule: Begin by putting your infant on the toilet at regular intervals, such as after meals or before naps, and rewarding them for trying, even if they don’t use the toilet.
- Maintain consistency: Even if development seems to be taking a while, maintain consistency and patience. Maintain the routine and promote good behaviour.
- Celebrate accomplishments: When your infant successfully uses the toilet, cheer and celebrate, but refrain from punishing or humiliating them for mistakes. Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to potty training because every child is unique. Be persistently patient, upbeat, and encouraging.